- “Production and sales of motor vehicles by Russian and other CIS manufacturers. Monthly Statistical Review”.
The edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of passenger cars, trucks and buses.
The annual subscription fee is EUR 2300.
- “Production of commercial and special-purpose vehicles by Russian and other CIS manufacturers”.
The edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of trucks, buses, construction and road equipment, and special-purpose vehicles.
The annual subscription fee is EUR 2300.
- “Production and sales of trailers and off-road vehicles by Russian and other CIS manufacturers. Monthly Statistical Review”.
The edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of truck trailers including towbar trailers and semi-trailers, and off-road vehicles including tractors, construction and road equipment, and special-purpose vehicles.
The annual subscription is EUR 2200.
- “Production and sales of cars by Russian and other CIS manufacturers. Monthly Statistical Review”.
The edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of passenger cars, as well as aggregate retail sales data for cars and LCVs.
The annual subscription fee is EUR 1800.
- “Production and sales of buses by Russian and other CIS manufacturers. Monthly Statistical Review”.
The edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of all bus categories including minibuses and heavy buses and coaches.
The annual subscription fee is EUR 1800.
- “Production and sales of trucks by Russian and other CIS manufacturers. Monthly Statistical Review”.
The edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of all truck categories including light, medium-duty and heavy-duty trucks.
The annual subscription fee is EUR 1800.
“Production and sales of construction and road equipment and other special-purpose vehicles by Russian and other CIS manufacturers. Monthly Statistical Review”.
The edition contains data on production and sales of construction and road equipment and other special-purpose machinery (truck-mounted cranes, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers, motor graders, etc.), imports of construction and road equipment and other special-purpose machinery, as well as other analytic materials.The annual subscription fee is EUR 2000.
ASM Holding offers subscription for 2024-2025 to the following info/analytic collections in Russian:
- “Analytical Survey. Production of motor vehicles, tractors, agricultural machines and components by Russian and other CIS manufacturers” (registration certificate PI No.77-13728 of 18.10.2002).
This monthly edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of passenger cars, trucks, buses, tractors, farm machinery, trailers, construction and road equipment, special-purpose vehicles and components, as well as other analytic materials.
Contract for subscription to a printed edition
- “Analytical Survey. Production and sales of motor vehicles by Russian and other CIS manufacturers”.
This monthly edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of passenger cars, trucks, buses and components; export and import of motor vehicles, and analytic materials on the market.
- “Analytical Survey. Production and sales of commercial vehicles, special-purpose vehicles by Russian and other CIS manufacturers”.
This monthly edition contains data on production and sales of trucks, buses, construction and road equipment, special-purpose vehicles and components; export and import of commercial vehicles, and analytic materials on the market.
- “Analytical Survey. Production and sales of tractors, agricultural machines by Russian and other CIS manufacturers”.
This monthly edition contains data on production and sales of tractors, farm machinery and components; export and import of tractors, and analytic materials on the market.
- “Analytical Survey. Production of trailers, construction and road equipment, and other special-purpose vehicles by Russian and other CIS manufacturers”.
This monthly edition contains data on production and sales of trailers (towbar trailers and semi-trailers), road construction and special-purpose machinery, components; export and import of road construction and special-purpose machinery, as well as other analytic materials.
- “Analytical Survey. Production and sales of new cars by Russian and other CIS manufacturers”.
This monthly edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of passenger cars, export and import of cars, analytic materials on the market, as well as data on aggregate retail sales of cars and LCVs.
“Analytical Survey. Production and sales of new buses by Russian and other CIS manufacturers”.
This monthly edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of all bus categories including minibuses and heavy buses and coaches; bus exports and imports; analytic materials on the market. -
“Analytical Survey. Production and sales of new trucks by Russian and other CIS manufacturers”.
This monthly edition contains data on production and wholesales (factory shipments) of all truck categories including light, medium and heavy-duty trucks; truck exports and imports; analytic materials on the market.
“Analytical Survey. Production and sales of trailers by Russian and other CIS manufacturers”.
This monthly edition contains data on production and sales of trailers including towbar trailers and semi-trailers for trucks and tractors, as well as other analytic materials.
“Analytical Survey. Production of materials-handling equipment by Russian manufacturers”.
The edition contains data on production of cranes (portal bridge cranes, overhead travelling cranes, tower cranes), pulley blocks, lifts and escalators; other analytic materials.
“Analytical Survey. Production of pneumatic tyres and casings by Russian manufacturers”.
The edition contains data on production of automotive tyres and other mechanical rubber items.
Subscription to the monthly “Analytical Survey. Production of motor vehicles, tractors, agricultural machines and components thereof by Russian and other CIS manufacturers” can also be made at any post office:
· By “Pressa Rossii” Newspapers and Magazines Joint Catalogue – subscription index 42047
· By “ROSPECHAT” Agency Catalogue – subscription index 82103
Should you have any queries regarding contents of the collections, subscription fees, or arrangement of subscription contracts, please do not hesitate to contact our staff members:
Sales Manager: Natalia Kozlova, phone +7 (495) 626 0944, email:;
Dear Customers,
We thank all of you for cooperation and hope that our information services have been and will be helpful in your everyday work.
ASM Holding